The monograph is devoted to the problems oforigins, development and present condition ofstate...
This new monograph provides a stimulating new take on hotly contested topics in world modernizati...
This book presents the history of globalization as a network-based story in the context of Big Hi...
This thought-provoking monograph analyzes long- medium- and short-term global cycles of prosperit...
This new monograph provides a stimulating new take on hotly contested topics in world modernizati...
This book provides an in-depth analysis of public opinion patterns among Muslims, particularly in...
This thought-provoking monograph analyzes long- medium- and short-term global cycles of prosperit...
This book provides an in-depth analysis of public opinion patterns among Muslims, particularly in...
Die Monographie widmet sich den Problemen der Entstehung, Entwicklung und des gegenwärtigen Zusta...
Monografiq poswqschena problemam zarozhdeniq, razwitiq i sowremennogo sostoqniq gosudarstwennosti...
La monographie est consacrée aux problèmes des origines, du développement et de l'état actuel de ...
La monografia è dedicata ai problemi delle origini, dello sviluppo e della condizione attuale del...