The doomed love story of Josiana Greenwood and Walter Rancon sets the scene as the destiny of the...
Legend has long told the story of Blondel the Lute Player who foundthe lost soldier-king Richard ...
From the pen of one of the original giants of historical fiction comes a dark and sexy perspectiv...
Eleanor of Aquitaine rules as a modern heroine in the twelfth century, in this beloved classic of...
She was the daughter of a preacher and a gypsy.A strange and elusive child with powers of prophe...
Sir Charles Augustus Shelmadine was an autocrat. He ruled his village with a firm but kindly hand...
Can a house built from the ashes of tragedy ever be a place of lasting happiness? Can the heredit...
'Princesses are born to be exiled. What is the alternative? Spinsterhood?' Thus the future of Car...
Melchior had never seen anything like it; the star was so bright, so full of tragedy and glory. H...
The bestselling author of 'The King's Pleasure' and 'Here Was a Man' returns with this latest tit...
Based on the life of Sir Walter Raleigh.
With the coming of the 20th century, the house was in decline-soon to be broken into apartments a...