Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) have the great potential in connecting devices and regions of the ...
Mobile Ad hoc Network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary ne...
It took me 2 years to pen it down. I need your 10 minutes to go through this book. I have discuss...
The Book is all about our emotion recognization by following matrices and their classification. T...
Viene proposta una strategia di routing basata sul minimum spanning tree dei nodi. Attraverso la ...
Une stratégie de routage basée sur l'arbre de portée minimale des n¿uds est proposée. La simulati...
Predlozhena strategiq marshrutizacii, osnowannaq na minimal'nom ohwatywaüschem derewe uzlow. S po...
Es wird eine Routing-Strategie vorgeschlagen, die auf dem Minimum Spanning Tree der Knoten basier...
É proposta uma estratégia de roteamento baseada na árvore de espaçamento mínimo dos nós. Através ...
A routing strategy based on minimum spanning tree of the nodes is proposed. Through simulation th...
Se propone una estrategia de enrutamiento basada en el árbol de expansión mínima de los nodos. A ...
Me ha llevado 2 años escribirlo. Necesito sus 10 minutos para repasar este libro. He hablado de l...