In recent years political campaigns in Western democracies have relied increasingly upon televisi...
The Handbook of Political Communication Research is a benchmark volume, defining the most importa...
The Handbook of Election Coverage Around the World focuses on the news coverage of national elect...
The Handbook of Election Coverage Around the World focuses on the news coverage of national elect...
The SAGE Handbook of Political Advertising provides a comprehensive view of the role political ad...
The Handbook of Political Communication Research is a benchmark volume, defining the most importa...
Since 1952, when Eisenhower's media consultants decided they could warm up the General's personal...
This first comparative study of the political communication processes in the United States and Fr...
Die Rolle der Massenmedien in Wahlkämpfen ist das gemeinsame Thema der acht Beiträge dieses Samme...
Die Massenmedien nehmen in der modemen Wahlkampfplanung einen zentralen Platz ein, vor allem das ...