This is a continuation of Silver Buck. There are attacks on small ranches around Durango by a ban...
Jim Beddly, is a Texas Ranger sent to investigate a murder in Mafia, Texas which leads him to Alp...
Jim Beddly, is a Texas Ranger sent to investigate a murder in Mafia, Texas which leads him to Alp...
Jason Benning was a lost soul after four years of hard fighting for the union. On a lonely road i...
Jason Benning was a lost soul after four years of hard fighting for the union. On a lonely road i...
This story is about two groups of men that were sometimes kept from jobs cause of where they came...
This story is about two groups of men that were sometimes kept from jobs cause of where they came...
Book synopsis:A split-second decision turns Chad's world upside down and is put on trial for his ...