»Sie halten den Laden am Laufen«: Pflegekräfte, Paketbotinnen oder auch Arbeiter in den großen Fl...
A pulse-racing journey through the science and politics of the pandemic. Jeremy Farrar, one of th...
Erstverkaufstag: 11.08.2025
This video atlas covers most of the procedures in dermatologic surgery, authored by the best expe...
Erstverkaufstag: 18.02.2025
Bestselling author and renowned innovation expert Simone Ahuja reveals the secret to winning in a...
Erstverkaufstag: 29.04.2025
This book spotlights the complexities of relationships, drawing on theories that have guided rela...
Erstverkaufstag: 29.04.2025
This book spotlights the complexities of relationships, drawing on theories that have guided rela...
Erstverkaufstag: 03.06.2025
Covers tools, techniques, and trends in hybrid optical wireless networks and sensor technologies....
Traditionally, scientific fields have defined boundaries, and scientists work on research problem...
Si en Siempre ocurre lo inesperado Ricardo Ahuja nos ofreció el panorama de un viaje por un mundo...
La versión más conocida sobre la existencia de un guerrero filisteo de nombre Goliat, lo describe...
Clonal forestry has come of age. Basic techniques in genetics and biotechnology of other organism...
Provided here are both underlying theory and recent resultsconcerning thepropagation and use of...