This Book, ¿ANALYSIS OF INVERTERS¿ has been written in a simple and lucid language for Electrical...
This book ¿Cascaded H-bridge Inverter Control for Grid Connected DC Power Source¿ has been writte...
This book ¿Bio-Medical Instrumentation¿ covers the theory and applications of biomedical instrume...
This book has been written for students, academicians and industry persons to create awareness ab...
This book has been written for academicians, industry persons and energy professionals to give al...
This book covers the ideas related with electric power and energy systems. This book has been wri...
Dieses Buch wurde für Studenten, Akademiker und Personen aus der Industrie geschrieben und bietet...
This book has been written for students, academicians and industry persons and it provides a desc...
Ce livre a été rédigé à l'intention des étudiants, des universitaires et des industriels. Il four...
Este livro foi escrito para estudantes, académicos e industriais e fornece uma descrição sobre vá...
Questo libro è stato scritto per studenti, accademici e industriali e fornisce una descrizione di...
Este livro foi escrito para estudantes de engenharia, académicos e industriais e contém questões ...