When Dr. Jamie Frothington embarks on a service trip to Liberia, he isn't prepared for the horror...
Seventeen-year-old Alice Julian wakes in the middle of the night being attacked by her mother's f...
Nigel the dragon is nervous. He is preparing to participate in his first Festival of Flames in th...
Octie Octopus and Milly Mermaid are sitting in Octie's den when Octie admits to feeling sad. He l...
Paralegal Trinity Sylinda has had a string of failed relationships and is desperate to find true ...
Unexplained weather has been terrorizing the world for a few months. When MI6 agent Nicholas Well...
Nina Nebula and her space historian Jacques are in their space station doing scientific experimen...
Gia Giraffe has just moved into Sunnyside Zoo and she's nervous because she doesn't know any anim...