If you’re looking for a short, sweet, and simple introduction (or reintroduction) to Hibernate, t...
This book describes the process of designing and analysing the microstrip antenna using EBG Struc...
Document from the year 2016 in the subject Electrotechnology, , language: English, abstract: A si...
An open source drone platform offered by Bitcraze actuated minds of various aerial robotic enthus...
With the start of 2020, the wrath of pandemic challenged the scientific community to develop more...
This book focuses on a basic theoretical framework dealing with the problems, solutions, and appl...
Computational intelligence consists of those techniques that imitate the human brain and nature t...
With the start of 2020, the wrath of pandemic challenged the scientific community to develop more...
This book covers a number of engineered nanotheranostics platforms and nanomedicines applications...
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