The study aims to find out various electronic resources in Physics in select libraries. Libraries...
Capturing the implicit relationship between the input and output patterns such that when test inp...
This book is all about crowns used in Pediatric dentistry. The most commonly faced dental problem...
Dosage concentration of a racemic drug is an illusion to the patients as well to the practicing p...
Coronavirus are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. COVID-19 ...
Coronaviren sind eine große Familie von Viren, die bei Tieren oder Menschen Krankheiten verursach...
Os coronavírus são uma grande família de vírus que podem causar doenças em animais ou seres human...
Les coronavirus sont une grande famille de virus qui peuvent provoquer des maladies chez les anim...
Koronawirusy - äto bol'shoe semejstwo wirusow, kotorye mogut wyzywat' zabolewaniq u zhiwotnyh ili...
I coronavirus sono una grande famiglia di virus che possono causare malattie negli animali o nell...
Coronavirussen zijn een grote familie van virussen die ziekten kunnen veroorzaken bij dieren of m...