The present study aims at finding out the relationship between occupational stress and mental ill...
Educational Psychology has a great utility in pedagogy. The principles of psychology can be used ...
Biological, Psycho-Social and Cognitive approaches try to understand the adolescence. Patterns an...
Pregnancy is an event that changes manyperspectives of women's life. It is regarded as atime ...
The Persian Gulf 2018 is sixth in the series published by MEI@ND and examines Indiäs bilateral re...
The Persian Gulf 2018 is sixth in the series published by MEI@ND and examines Indiäs bilateral re...
A Psicologia Educativa tem uma grande utilidade na pedagogia. Os princípios da psicologia podem s...
La psychologie de l'éducation a une grande utilité en pédagogie. Les principes de la psychologie ...
La psicologia dell'educazione ha una grande utilità nella pedagogia. I principi della psicologia ...
Psychologia edukacyjna jest bardzo u¿yteczna w pedagogice. Zasady psychologii mog¿ by¿ wykorzysty...
Educatieve Psychologie heeft een groot nut in de pedagogie. De principes van de psychologie kunne...
La gravidanza è un evento che cambia molte prospettive di vita delle donne. È considerato come un...