Book three of the Standing on the Promises trilogy. After this groundbreaking, deeply moving tril...
'Intangibles are harder to measure, harder to quantify, often more difficult to manage, evaluate,...
The Manual of Exercises in Hand Sewing: Adopted by Industrial and Grade Schools (1904) by Margare...
'Who should be allowed to call the shots in the boardrooms of U. S. Corporations? And what differ...
U.S. companies are still reeling from the takeovers, leveraged buyouts, junk bond issues, re-capi...
'Human capital and organizational capital are increasingly important as a source of value in many...
'Corporations are the productive engine of market economies. Yet the rules by which the wealth ge...
Book two of the Standing on the Promises trilogy. After this groundbreaking, deeply moving trilog...
Corporate social responsibility is examined in this book as multi-stakeholder approach to corpora...
In 1937, the Japanese invaded the Chinese city of Shanghai. The neutral Shanghai International Se...
Shanghai Scarlet is a riveting recreation of Old Shanghai in all its exhilaration, degradation an...
After this groundbreaking, deeply moving trilogy about black LDS pioneers was first published, mo...