This book offers insights into the current focus and recent advances in bioremediation and green ...
This book provides insights into the current status of waste management in India and research app...
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most prevalent inherited blood condition worldwide resulting fro...
This book provides insights into the current status of waste management in India and research app...
This book offers insights into the current focus and recent advances in bioremediation and green ...
This book offers insights into the recent research focusing on green solutions to address environ...
This book offers insights into the recent research focusing on green solutions to address environ...
Die Sichelzellenkrankheit (SCD) ist weltweit die häufigste vererbte Blutkrankheit, die durch eine...
La drépanocytose est l'affection sanguine héréditaire la plus répandue dans le monde, qui résulte...
A doença falciforme (DF) é a doença hereditária do sangue mais prevalente em todo o mundo, result...
La enfermedad de células falciformes (ECF) es la afección sanguínea hereditaria más frecuente en ...
La malattia a cellule falciformi (SCD) è la malattia del sangue ereditaria più diffusa al mondo e...