Provides in-depth case studies of the 'state' of e-government today.The book chronicles the 'ea...
In their introduction, the editors of New Ways of Doing Business assert that in retrospect, it wi...
Leaders provides six in-depth studies of leaders who demonstrate a new style of leadership for th...
To understand the challenges of political leadership and how top executives succeed in accomplish...
In this book, Paul Lawrence and Mark Abramson build on their extensive interviews with 42 Obama A...
The Operator's Manual for the New Administration explains how government works and how to make it...
Written for newly appointed government agency heads and their senior management teams, this revis...
The Operator's Manual for the New Administration explains how government works and how to make it...
The ninth book in the IBM Endowment Series on the Business of Government, The Procurement Revolut...
Innovation provides five in-depth studies on the 'state' of innovation in government today.
In this book, Paul Lawrence and Mark Abramson build on their extensive interviews with 42 Obama A...
To understand the challenges of political leadership and how top executives succeed in accomplish...