Schooling Poor Minority Children: New Segregation in the Post-Brown Era explores the 'redesign of...
Obi: Seminole Maroon is a fictionalized account of the daring escape of a 15 year old enslaved yo...
Schooling Poor Minority Children: New Segregation in the Post-Brown Era explores the 'redesign of...
Pathway To Change; A Guide to Personal Transformation provides a 'path' or blueprint to free the ...
The traditional values by the pioneers that settled the Trabue Woods community in South West Flor...
The starting point for eliminating the virus of white supremacy ideology from our culture must be...
The starting point for eliminating the virus of white supremacy ideology from our culture must be...
What is race-based hierarchy? The Promise of Whiteness focuses on the impact of the promise of 'w...
What is race-based hierarchy? The Promise of Whiteness focuses on the impact of the promise of 'w...
Punta Gorda has been described as 'the little town that unity built'. It has been characterized a...
Reflections of a Colored Girl: A Journey of Resilience and TriumphDive into the heart and soul of...