'The second volume of the first-ever middle-grade anthology series, featuring all-new Marvel comi...
Become your own health super hero with the Marvel Fitness Deck, a 50-card deck of exercises for M...
Erstverkaufstag: 03.07.2025
Spider-Man first swung onto the comic book pages in August 1962 with the publication of Amazing F...
Erstverkaufstag: 08.05.2025
A super-sized introduction to the Fantastic Four for the youngest superfans-featuring art by lege...
Erstverkaufstag: 02.01.2025
LOKI IS ON THE LOOSE!Loki, the Asgardian God of mischief, is up to his old tricks. He's searching...
Erstverkaufstag: 10.04.2025
Featuring Spider-Man, the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy and more, Marvel 100 Stories is p...
Erstverkaufstag: 31.03.2025
Featuring two unforgettable Marvel characters, enjoy two mighty tales in this action-packed story...
Erstverkaufstag: 31.03.2025
Get ready for an epic story adventure and enjoy exciting sounds with Marvel's Avengers