Nearly 40% of new drug candidates exhibit lowsolubility in water, which leads to poor oralbio...
Interventional cardiologists have quickly replaced bare metal stents with intravascular drug-elut...
It is the time for looking younger and smarter.¿Whiteness¿ or having white skin is considered an ...
Cancer is a second leading cause of death in the world. It has been a lot of research being done ...
There is growing interest in developing chemical and biochemical processes to obtain and modify b...
This book is important for all the research students and pg chemistry students,who is working the...
Près de 40 % des nouveaux médicaments candidats présentent une faible solubilité dans l'eau, ce q...
Pochti 40% nowyh kandidatow na lekarstwa demonstriruüt nizkuü rastworimost' w wode, chto priwodit...
Quasi il 40% dei nuovi candidati farmaci presenta una bassa solubilità in acqua, che porta a una ...
Fast 40 % der neuen Wirkstoffkandidaten weisen eine geringe Löslichkeit in Wasser auf, was zu ein...
Quase 40% dos novos candidatos a medicamentos apresentam baixa solubilidade na água, o que leva a...
Prawie 40% nowych kandydatów na leki wykazuje nisk¿ rozpuszczalno¿¿ w wodzie, co prowadzi do s¿ab...