Wilma Dunaway breaks new ground by focusing on slave experiences on small plantations in the Uppe...
This book focuses on slave experiences on small plantations in the American Upper South.
Throughout the seventeenth century, Holland was the unrivalled centre of world trade and banking.
A bold and original reinterpretation of Western industrialization from the eighteenth century to ...
This book calls into question the dominant paradigm of the US slave family.
In this book, the author focuses on the two central conflicts of capitalism, bourgeois versus pro...
Collaborative volume aimed at correcting the view of China as a failed version of the West.
Domestic Strategies offers a new reading of the historical sources in order to understand the soc...
Mit guten Gründen hat man den Mittelmeer-Raum die 'Wiege Europas' genannt. Die Geschichte des Abe...