Searching for drugs from natural resources in developing countries used to be much the same as ol...
Individual, be it a claimant or an unauthorized person, identification is one of the top challeng...
Premna esculentais an important medicinal plant which have been traditionally used by tribal pe...
A new approach of detecting spam is expressed by this book. It is showing a new idea to detect sp...
Brucellosis is a worldwide bacterial zoonotic disease affecting humans and animals. In Bangladesh...
Application of different types of feeds, fertilizers or food based nutrients in ponds results in ...
L'applicazione di diversi tipi di mangimi, fertilizzanti o nutrienti a base di cibo negli stagni ...
Der Einsatz verschiedener Arten von Futtermitteln, Düngemitteln oder Nährstoffen auf Nahrungsmitt...
Primenenie razlichnyh widow kormow, udobrenij ili pitatel'nyh weschestw na osnowe produktow pitan...
L'application de différents types d'aliments, d'engrais ou de nutriments à base de nourriture dan...
La aplicación de distintos tipos de piensos, fertilizantes o nutrientes alimentarios en los estan...
A aplicação de diferentes tipos de rações, fertilizantes ou nutrientes à base de alimentos nos ta...