Pot experiments were carried out on silt loam soils (Inceptisols) to investigate the effect of di...
RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works and deliversits in...
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are collections of low cost, low power and compact size computati...
The sequence identity of two protein sequences of two species either in the same class or in the ...
Satellite creates a new era in the world of communication which is impossible without an antenna....
In the book, a broadband elliptical slotted patch antenna has been proposed for 5G wireless commu...
En el libro se ha propuesto una antena de parche ranurado elíptico de banda ancha para comunicaci...
No livro, foi proposta uma antena de fenda elíptica de banda larga para comunicações sem fios 5G....
Dans cet ouvrage, une antenne patch elliptique à fente à large bande a été proposée pour les comm...
V knige predlozhena shirokopolosnaq ällipticheskaq schelewaq patch-antenna dlq besprowodnoj swqzi...
In diesem Buch wurde eine breitbandige elliptische geschlitzte Patch-Antenne für die drahtlose 5G...
Nel libro è stata proposta un'antenna patch ellittica a banda larga per le comunicazioni wireless...