The explosive growth in analytics and the rise in the number of specialists in procurement practi...
In 'Robuste Lieferketten in unsicheren Zeiten' zeigt ein Team engagierter, erfahrener Betriebsstr...
This will only happen if procurement is fully backed by the Chief Executive Officer and companies...
There's a new buzz phrase in the air: Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). Corporate executive...
In the novel The CPO: Transforming Procurement in the Real World, we meet Thomas Sutter, a German...
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung:Die Weltwirtschaft befindet sich momentan in Mitten eines M&A Booms bzw....
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract:Communication of global companies with the capital market is a very actual...
Disruptive Procurement is a radical new approach to creating value and innovation by challenging ...