Thirteen original Sherlock Holmes adventures, each told by a previously unheard voice from the or...
A compelling volume of original tales concerning Sherlock Holmes' legendary time in America With ...
The rise of scientific thinking in finding, catching, and convicting criminals-and, just as impor...
An anthology of eleven original Sherlock Homes tales set during the missing years between the app...
Lord Darcy and Master Wizard Sean O Lauchlainn return in this authorized sequel to the stories of...
In the tradition of the old 'Ace Doubles' two-in-one books (flip one over to read the second titl...
In the tradition of the old Ace Double two-in-one books (flip one book over to read the other), h...
In an alternate history in which the Plantagenets still rule in England, France, and the New Worl...
When the young apprentice Delbit Quint is 'bought' by Dr. Faineworth, he arrives in an alternate ...