Stell dir vor, die Welt ist noch da. Und außer dir niemand mehr. Von jetzt auf gleich sind fast a...
These proceedings are the fifth in the series Traffic and Granular Flow, and we hope they will be...
The workshop on 'computational physics of transport and interfacial dynam ics' was held in Dresd...
During the last decade physicists, engineers and computer scientists have joined in an enormously...
The ¿Tra?c and Granular Flow ¿07¿ conference was the seventh of a series of international confere...
This book continues the biannual series of conference proceedings, which has become a classical r...
Experiment and Evacuation.- The UK WTC9 11 Evacuation Study: An Overview of the Methodologies Emp...
The 6th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED2012) showcased resear...
This book continues the biannual series of conference proceedings, which has become a classical r...
Proper management of evacuation processes is one of the basic requirements within life safety con...
Is the behaviour of a crowd in an emergency situation predictable? Are the different patterns occ...
How do people behave in different traffic situations? Are there general laws for mathematical mod...