The Total Enemy explores the most radicalized forms of enmity, trying to unravel some of its hist...
Den amerikanske revolution startede 'revolutionernes tidsalder', og den fortsætter med at sætte d...
The 5 Questions-series format is to ask five questions linking personal experience with scholarly...
This book investigates terrorism and anti-terrorism as related and interacting phenomena, underta...
This book investigates terrorism and anti-terrorism as related and interacting phenomena, underta...
The book investigates the many ways thateconomic and moral reasoning interact, overlap and confli...
The Total Enemy explores the most radicalized forms of enmity, trying to unravel some of its hist...
This book concentrates upon how economic rationalities have been embedded into particular histori...
Den Franske Revolution er historiens første rigtige revolution, hvor brede massebevægelser i dere...
The book investigates the many ways thateconomic and moral reasoning interact, overlap and confli...
This book concentrates upon how economic rationalities have been embedded into particular histori...