Set in 1915, this second book in the trilogy, Three Young Ladies of Clarke, reunites Catherine Ra...
Elizabeth Fairchilds, the main character in this third novel in the trilogy, Three Young Ladies o...
It is 1918 and the United States is brought into World War I. Carolyn, Catherine and Elizabeth ar...
Beyond the Red Gate is the first book in a trilogy, Three Young Ladies of Clarke. ...
The Great War ended in 1918. A year later the country was forging its way back to a normal life. ...
In 1917 America was drawn into the war in Europe, and Adelaide Richards turned twenty years old. ...
The time is 1915 and Adelaide Richards has graduated from high school. Contrary to her mother's w...
In 1917, Ruth Caldwell left Virginia for a new life in England. It mattered not to her that there...
It's 1919. Jess Edwards has the yen to leave Lockwood, a big estate in Clarke County, Virginia. A...
In 1861, Mary Sullivan left her teaching position in upstate New York to help with the approach-i...
The Red Gate estate in southern Clarke County, Virginia had been the site of the Harvest Ball bef...