Naqada is a sleepy little town in Upper Egypt, that gives its name to a crucial periodin the preh...
Ayurveda is an Asian medical system which has its beginnings in India during approximately the si...
Hell of a GuruDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the lawAleister Crowley may have died in 19...
A 'Sädhana' is an instrument that leads to a particular goal. In Tantra, it is a technical term d...
The very oldest Egyptian ritual calendar was lunar. The evidence for this is very complex and in ...
You're in your bed. It's dark, you hear footsteps coming up the stairs and into your room. There'...
The ancient hungry stones of Coptos in Upper Egypt have soaked up the stories of the inhabitants ...
The ancient Egyptians divided the year into 36 weeks of ten days duration,hence 'decan' from Gr...
Seth is an ancient Egyptian deity, much maligned in popular, academic and theological thought. Up...