A nuanced and highly original anarchistic interpretation of Islam, and Islamic interpretation of ...
Extracellular proteins of pathogenic bacteria are main contributors of pathogenesis and are invol...
The present study was designed and carried out to investigate the role of connective tissue growt...
Myocardial infarction after CABG is a serious complication and one of the most common causes of m...
Discourse around Muslims and Islam all too often lapses into a false dichotomy of Orientalist and...
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Vorteilen, die Landschaftsarchitekten bei der Ausweitung der ver...
Questo libro affronterà i benefici che gli architetti del paesaggio possono fornire nell'espansio...
Ce livre traite des avantages que les architectes paysagistes peuvent apporter à l'expansion de l...
V ätoj knige rassmatriwaütsq preimuschestwa, kotorye landshaftnye arhitektory mogut obespechit' p...
Este livro abordará os benefícios que os arquitetos paisagistas podem proporcionar na expansão da...
This book will address the benefits landscape architects can provide in the expansion of vertical...
High costs associated with the treatment of heavy metal and radionuclide wastes have created an o...