The department or service in a hospital which is under the direction of a professionally competen...
Brassica oleracea or wild cabbage is a species of Brassica native to coastal southern and western...
The word¿nano''is derived from Latin word, which means dwarf.Nano size refers to one thousand mil...
Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar Periwinkle) is a species of Catharanthus native and endemic to Ma...
Medicine is the science and art of healing.It encompasses a variety of health care practices evol...
Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion family Alliaceae. Its close r...
Bangladesh Pharma market is getting competitive day by day. Emergence of new pharmaceutical compa...
The diabetic population has reached the 100 million mark.Decreased physical activity, increasing ...
The rate at which a drug is released from a resinate is dependent on many factors. In many cases ...
Allium sativum, communément appelé ail, est une espèce de la famille des oignons Alliaceae. Ses p...
Il tasso di rilascio di un farmaco da un resinato dipende da molti fattori. In molti casi il tass...
La vitesse à laquelle une drogue est libérée d'un résinate dépend de nombreux facteurs. Dans de n...