The present study was conducted to explain various techniques for the extraction and quantificati...
A biomolecule is any molecule that is produced by a living organism, including large macromolecul...
Serological tests may be performed for diagnostic purposes when an infection is suspected, in rhe...
The data about the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis of approximately sixty patients was collecte...
Fruit juices are used for their nutritional value, thirst quenching properties and stimulating ef...
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose a very serious threat to public health. Frequencies of bacteri...
The topic of the research was comparative study between PIA and Emirates on service quality and c...
The Gigantocotyle explanatum, a digenetic termatode parasite infected the liver and bile duct of ...
Even when its origins are still uncertain, the uses of calendula as a medicine and as a colouring...
HCC represents the fifth most prevalent cancer worldwide, and accounts for the top three cause of...
The present research focuses on comparative study of the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and t...
Every student of Bachelor Business Administration has an essential requirement to do Six to Eight...