Erstverkaufstag: 30.09.2025
In summary, the present work concludes a simple and novel method for the synthesis of Chalconyl i...
A FGM consists of a material whose properties change from one surface to another according to a s...
Load Balancing (LB) is a great challenge in dynamic and heterogeneous environment like Grid. Load...
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a relatively new solid state welding process which is used for but...
The 18 full and 13 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 255 submissio...
Digital technologies are disrupting dentistry at an unprecedented pace. This technological revolu...
Die digitalen Technologien verändern die Zahnmedizin in einem noch nie dagewesenen Tempo. Diese t...
Le tecnologie digitali stanno sconvolgendo l'odontoiatria a un ritmo senza precedenti. Questarivo...
Les technologies numériques bouleversent la dentisterie à un rythme sans précédent. Cetterévoluti...
As tecnologias digitais estão a perturbar a medicina dentária a um ritmo sem precedentes. Estarev...
Las tecnologías digitales están alterando la odontología a un ritmo sin precedentes. Estarevoluci...