In diesem Film-Sequel der weltweit erfolgreichen Serie wartet auf unsere scharfsinnige und glamou...
Das fulminante Finale der Good-Luck-Girls-Dilogie! Eine junge schwarze Frau kämpft gegen die Unte...
»Westworld« meets »Der Report der Magd«: ein umwerfendes Fantasyabenteuer mit starken farbigen Fr...
Erstverkaufstag: 03.02.2026
For thousands of years, Great Salt Lake has played a surprisingly central role in the lives of hu...
Be A Body Psychic demystifies the complicated world of medical intuiting and puts the power of th...
This collection highlights and extends contemporary women's and gender studies by presenting theo...
This collection highlights and extends contemporary women's and gender studies by presenting theo...
Charlotte is tired of always being the new kid because her father's job requires him to move freq...
Without question, having competent women in leadership can certainly enhance the vitality of any ...
Sin duda alguna, el contar con mujeres competentes que se animen a ejercer el liderazgo puede mej...
This book explores the everyday ways in which time marks the experience of education as well as t...
This book explores the everyday ways in which time marks the experience of education as well as t...