Fuels derived from the renewable biological resources for the use in diesel engine are known as b...
Recently, a centrifugal pump in the range of very low specific speed, such as ns 0.25, attracts a...
We expand our recently introduced concept of unique word orthogonal frequency division multiplexi...
Mineração de conjuntos de itens de alta utilidade de uma base de dados transacional refere-se à d...
Dobycha komplektow älementow wysokoj poleznosti iz tranzakcionnoj bazy dannyh otnositsq k obnaruz...
L'extraction d'ensembles d'articles à haute utilité à partir d'une base de données transactionnel...
In the machining of titanium alloys productivity is adversely affected by rapid tool wear as a co...
Der Abbau von Item-Sets mit hohem Nutzen aus einer Transaktionsdatenbank bezieht sich auf die Ent...
L'estrazione di insiemi di oggetti ad alta utilità da un database transazionale si riferisce alla...
Mining high utility item sets from a transactional database refers to the discovery of item sets ...
Wydobywanie zestawów przedmiotów o wysokiej u¿ytecznöci z transakcyjnej bazy danych odnosi si¿ do...
De mijnbouw van hoge gebruiksartikelen uit een transactiedatabase verwijst naar de ontdekking van...