The present investigation is an attempt to study the economic aspects of production and marketing...
The present investigation is an attempt to study the resource efficiency and investment appraisal...
The present investigation is an attempt to study of an economic analysis of post-harvest manageme...
The present investigation is an attempt to study of an economic cultivation of mentha and its mar...
Issledowanie pod nazwaniem 'Jekonomicheskij analiz proizwodstwa i marketinga gorchicy w rajone Dz...
Eine Untersuchung mit dem Titel 'Wirtschaftliche Analyse der Produktion und Vermarktung von Senf ...
An investigation entitled ¿Economic Analysis of Production & Marketing of Mustard in Jammu Distri...
Une enquête intitulée 'Analyse économique de la production et de la commercialisation de la mouta...
Un'indagine intitolata 'Analisi economica della produzione e della commercializzazione della sena...
Una investigación titulada 'Análisis económico de la producción y comercialización de mostaza en ...
Uma investigação intitulada 'Análise económica da produção e comercialização da mostarda no distr...
La présente enquête est une tentative d'analyse économique de la gestion post-récolte de produits...