Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence in Times of Turbulence: Theoretical Background to Applica...
In the aftermath of the profound fiscal crisis of 2008, the very foundation of the global financi...
With the gradual resumption of economic activity, most businesses are facing a range of challenge...
'This book analyzes the sensitivity of organizations to change management based on methodologies ...
Recently, education as a whole has undergone a serious change as online learning has increased in...
Recently, education as a whole has undergone a serious change as online learning has increased in...
Digital evolution has become increasingly present in our lives, whether on cellphones, computers,...
Digital evolution has become increasingly present in our lives, whether on cellphones, computers,...
Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence in Times of Turbulence: Theoretical Background to Applica...
The digital transformation of the health sector consistently presents unique challenges. As techn...
In the aftermath of the profound fiscal crisis of 2008, the very foundation of the global financi...