Recently the market become red ocean and the concept of blue ocean decides that the demand and su...
Market pattern is dynamic and fluctuating ,Simulation is a Key aspect of Role determination and c...
Nowadays energy harvesting plays an important role in conservation of Energy. Induction Generator...
This book presents the application of FACTS device in power system. The FACTS device is placed at...
In this book, the location of FACTS device is simulated to control active and reactive power flow...
Now a Days Harmonics creates more losses in the power system to reduce line losses various power ...
Hoy en día, los armónicos generan más pérdidas en el sistema eléctrico. Para reducir las pérdidas...
De nos jours, les harmoniques créent plus de pertes dans le système électrique. Pour réduire les ...
Hoje em dia, os harmónicos criam mais perdas no sistema de energia para reduzir as perdas na linh...
Heutzutage verursachen Oberschwingungen mehr Verluste im Stromnetz. Um die Leitungsverluste zu re...
Oggi le armoniche creano maggiori perdite nel sistema di alimentazione, per ridurre le perdite di...