Father Stanley Jaki (1924-2009) was one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century and his...
Los siete sacramentos están en el centro de la vida y de la experiencia cristiana, porque por med...
Mystery of the Church presents a global picture of the main themes of current ecclesiology. First...
LA CRISI ECOLOGICA non nasce da cause semplicemente tecniche ma da errori dottrinali. Quando la n...
La Beata Vergine Maria, Cuore pulsante della tradizione cristiana, occupa un ruolo centrale nella...
Dieses Buch über vertrauliche Briefe an Graf Harry von Arnim ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger ...
Questo libro tratta il rapporto fra la fede cristiana in Dio Creatore e la scienza moderna, in un...
In practically the only recent book in English to give a global picture of the theology of creati...
A popular myth put about by secularists is that between the Church and science, the relationship ...
This work is primarily written as a class manual for those who wish to deepen their understanding...
The Mystery of Reason investigates the enterprise of human thought searching for God. People have...
The book description also needs to be modified as follows, as there was a typo:How often have you...