Randale, Krawall machen, klauen, grölen, steppen und vergewaltigen: Alex (Malcolm Mc Dowell), rab...
Amy Pond und ihr frisch vermählter Ehemann Rory Williams genießen das Leben ohne den Doktor und a...
London in der Vorweihnachtszeit: Das Leben von Kate (Emilia Clarke) verläuft alles andere als run...
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education to gain endorsement for this for...
Drawing upon unique and unprecedented survey data, this book shows how and why Brexit has changed...
Basierend auf Marvels unkonventionellstem Anti-Helden, erzählt DEADPOOL die Geschichte des ehemal...
The first in-depth look at U.S. relations with the founder of the Somoza family dynasty in Nicara...
An original account of why individuals choose one party over another, and why elections are won o...
Containing almost 200 entries from 'accountability' to the 'Westminster model' the Encyclopedia o...
The concept of citizenship has been central to political thinking throughout history. With over f...
An introduction concerning the synthesis, structure and properties of the individual molecules co...