Summer, 1993 - a group of young guerrilla filmmakers spend four weeks making Horror Movie, a noto...
1988, Art Barbara is a painfully shy socially awkward teenager, underweight, acne-ridden, and suf...
A vacationing family is terrorized by four strangers who claim to be attempting toeither avert or...
Erstverkaufstag: 10.06.2025
The monster at the heart of a cult 90s cursed horror film tells his shocking and bloody secret hi...
Erstverkaufstag: 19.08.2025
Eine Anthologie mit 34 brandneuen Kurzgeschichten basierend auf Stephen Kings Meisterwerk, dem Nr...
Erstverkaufstag: 05.08.2025
A special paperback edition with stenciled artwork on the edges of the New York Times bestseller—...
Erstverkaufstag: 22.07.2025
New York Times bestselling, acclaimed horror author Paul Tremblay delivers an unforgettable middl...
A jar that holds your deepest secrets and fears. A fireman confronts his past while trying to sav...
A jar that holds your deepest secrets and fears. A fireman confronts his past while trying to sav...
SupernaturalismAll new Fiction by: Paul Tremblay, Reggie Oliver, Brian Lumley, Bracken MacLeod, B...
Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin in New Ham...