Die Geschichte der Wissenschaft in ZeitleistenWissenschaft visuell erleben!Diesesbildgewaltige Sa...
Mit Lockes berühmtem Essay beginnt die eigentliche Philosophie der Aufklärung: Das von ihm geford...
Nachdem die DDR 1975 die KSZE-Schlussakte von Helsinki unterzeichnet hatte, forderten immer mehr ...
Originally published in 1960, this analysis of all of Locke's publications quickly became establi...
A revised version of Peter Laslett's acclaimed Two Treatises of Government, widely recognised as ...
The Life of General Francis Marion - a celebrated partisan officer, in the Revolutionary war, aga...
The Life of General Francis Marion - A celebrated partisan officer, in the revolutionary war, aga...
Mikkee the Martian arrives on earth for a period of research and relaxation. He makes friends wit...
Mikkee the Martian and the twins are watching a TV program about ghost hunting. Billy does not be...
Mikkee and the twins go to a pantomime and then meet a real genie.The trio visit Santa's grotto ...
The Leviathan (1651), The Two Treatises of Government (1689), The Social Contract (1762), The Con...