Ornamental fish keeping is one of the most popular hobbies in the developed countries of the worl...
Agriculture is likely to suffer great losses due to erratic weather, increased temperature and de...
The efforts were carried out to study the clinical profile, electrocardiographic profile, to comp...
Wheat is a major diet component because of the wheat plant's agronomic adaptability with the abil...
Rapid advancements in the field of Genetics require a thorough understanding of underlying princi...
Advancement in technology in field of life science, require a thorough understanding of underlyin...
Die rasanten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Genetik erfordern ein gründliches Verständnis der zu...
I rapidi progressi nel campo della Genetica richiedono una comprensione approfondita dei principi...
Les progrès rapides dans le domaine de la génétique exigent une compréhension approfondie des pri...
Los rápidos avances en el campo de la Genética requieren una comprensión profunda de los principi...
Os rápidos avanços no campo da Genética exigem uma compreensão profunda dos princípios subjacente...
Plant breeding is an applied branch of botany that deals with the improvement of Agricultural cro...