Current work is extracted from doctoral thesissubmitted to the Tribhuvan University, Institute ...
Nepal's contribution on global greenhouse gasemission is almost negligible compared to otherd...
This book describes neurosurgical cases following the format of the clinical handover. Each case ...
Trials and Tribulations is presented as a congeries of poems describing the various bridges the w...
This book describes neurosurgical cases following the format of the clinical handover. Each case ...
Il contributo del Nepal alle emissioni globali di gas serra è quasi trascurabile rispetto ad altr...
Der Beitrag Nepals zu den globalen Treibhausgasemissionen ist im Vergleich zu anderen Entwicklung...
La contribution du Népal aux émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre est presque négligeable ...
Udziä Nepalu w globalnej emisji gazów cieplarnianych jest prawie nieistotny w porównaniu z innymi...
De bijdrage van Nepal aan de wereldwijde uitstoot van broeikasgassen is bijna verwaarloosbaar in ...
A contribuição do Nepal na emissão global de gases com efeito de estufa é quase insignificante em...
La contribución de Nepal a las emisiones mundiales de gases de efecto invernadero es casi insigni...