Join Donnie and Jose as they embark on three fun, mystery-filled adventures with their friends!-M...
In today's modern climate, education and learning take place in multiple and diverse spaces. Incr...
With contributions from across the globe, this is the first book of its kind to focus specificall...
Negotiating Ethical Challenges in Youth Research brings together contributors from across the wor...
This is the first introductory research methods textbook produced specifically and exclusively fo...
This new textbook offers a wide-ranging discussion of the key debates within the sociology of edu...
With contributions from across the globe, this is the first book of its kind to focus specificall...
This is the first-ever collection of classic writings and speeches from four decades of the moder...
Materialities and Mobilities in Education develops new arguments about the ways in which educatio...
This timely study explores the experiences of fathers who take on equal or primary care responsib...
Do you ever ask life's tough questions - Who am I? What's my purpose? What's holding me back? Why...
Do you ever ask life's tough questions - Who am I? What's my purpose? What's holding me back? Why...