Every day decision making in complex human-centric systems are characterized by imperfect decisio...
'Soft Computing and its Applications in Business and Economics,' or SC-BE for short, is a work wh...
Every day decision making and decision making in complex human-centric systems are characterized ...
This book deals with the theory, design principles, and application of hybrid intelligent systems...
Real-world information is imperfect and is usually described in natural language (NL). Moreover, ...
This book deals with the theory, design principles, and application of hybrid intelligent systems...
'Soft Computing and its Applications in Business and Economics,' or SC-BE for short, is a work wh...
Every day decision making and decision making in complex human-centric systems are characterized ...
Uncertain computation is a system of computation and reasoning in which the objects of computatio...
Nowadays, voluminous textbooks and monographs in fuzzy logic are devoted only to separate or some...