Spring 2032: an enigmatic bandleader named Triboulet arrives by helicopter in Rome, where his tro...
Shattering the Muses, Rainer J. Hanshe's third book, is a hybrid entity constructed of quotes, po...
Featuring an extended introduction by scholar of British Romanticism, Alan Vardy, Fragments consi...
Plays with Films brings together texts of the final three productions of Richard Foreman¿s Ontolo...
The Winter 2022 issue of Hyperion: On the Future of Aesthetics features work by Fritz Senn, Samue...
As the 19th century comes to a close, Friedrich Nietzsche and Vincent van Gogh unknowingly traver...
As the digitization of every aspect of existence grows more pervasive and absolute, from the moni...
Heir of symbolism, father of surrealism, extraordinary verbal inventor, Léon-Paul Fargue reveals ...