Opinion mining is used to improve the decision making of new user in various domains such as prod...
The Mobile Network has a set of nodes that are dynamic in nature. Here the nodes tend to move in ...
La red móvil tiene un conjunto de nodos que son dinámicos por naturaleza. Aquí los nodos tienden ...
Ein mobiles Netzwerk besteht aus einer Reihe von Knoten, die von Natur aus dynamisch sind. Hier n...
Mobil'naq set' imeet nabor uzlow, kotorye dinamichny po swoej prirode. Zdes' uzly imeüt tendenciü...
La rete mobile presenta un insieme di nodi di natura dinamica. I nodi tendono a muoversi in modo ...
Le réseau mobile comporte un ensemble de n¿uds qui sont dynamiques par nature. Les n¿uds ont tend...
The current healthcare system faces complications including data acquisition, interpretation, and...
The current healthcare system faces complications including data acquisition, interpretation, and...