In a world where the Plantagenets never fell, Lord Darcy is Chief Investigator for the Duke of No...
The fifth set of Favorite Science Fiction stories contains the following titles: 'The Skull' by P...
A collection of science fiction short stories by Randall Garrett - The Bramble Bush, The Destroye...
One way to hide an ex-officio agency of the United States Government was to label it truthfully -...
How could this man awaken with no past-no childhood-no recollection except of a vague world of te...
War on any scale was outlawed, along with boom-and-bust economic cycles, and prudery -- but no ch...
'Mark Phillips' was the pseudonym of two well-known science fiction writers: Randall Garrett and ...
In the tradition of the old 'Ace Doubles' two-in-one books (flip one over to read the second titl...
The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece and Rome had returned to Earth -- with all their awesome...
This science fiction novel imagines a world where ancient Greek gods return to Earth, reshaping s...
This book has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is ne...
Dead Giveaway , has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work...