Man¿s most precious treasure is his genetic heritage which guides the health and proper developme...
Proper Diagnosis is of outmost importance for determining prognosis and to make an accurate treat...
The short & long term successful outcomes of orthodontic treatment are influenced by the patient¿...
El éxito a corto y largo plazo del tratamiento ortodóncico depende del estado periodontal del pac...
I risultati positivi a breve e lungo termine del trattamento ortodontico sono influenzati dallo s...
Die kurz- und langfristigen Behandlungserfolge in der Kieferorthopädie werden durch den parodonta...
Os resultados de sucesso a curto e longo prazo do tratamento ortodôntico são influenciados pelo e...
Les résultats à court et à long terme d'un traitement orthodontique sont influencés par l'état pa...