Ce livre a analysé les connaissances des migrants sur le VIH SIDA et sa transmission, ainsi que l...
Thanks to the Almighty God and Savior Jesus Christ. I personally thank my colleagues and my super...
This Book analyzed the knowledge of migrants on HIV AIDS and its transmission and nature of attit...
A physical object is differing appreciably in properties from the corresponding bulk material to ...
Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network is extensively used in the transmission of the multimedia data...
Engine pistons are one of the most complex components among all automotive and other industry fie...
Motorkolben sind eine der komplexesten Komponenten unter allen Automobil- und anderen Industriebe...
Les pistons de moteur sont l'un des composants les plus complexes parmi tous les composants du se...
T¿oki silnikowe s¿ jednym z najbardziej skomplikowanych elementów w¿ród wszystkich komponentów mo...
I pistoni del motore sono uno dei componenti più complessi tra tutti i componenti del settore aut...
Os pistões do motor são um dos componentes mais complexos entre todos os componentes do setor aut...
Motorzuigers zijn een van de meest complexe onderdelen onder alle auto- en andere industrie veld ...