The rapid increase in the usage of mobile phones and other mobile devices by Indian consumers has...
Micro irrigation is the frequent application of small quantities of water on or below the soil su...
Small Ruminant Production is more important for productivity, stability and Sustenance of many fa...
A periodontite é caracterizada por danos progressivos induzidos pela inflamação nas estruturas de...
Bone grafts such as allografts alone or in combination with membranes have shown to be efficaciou...
Die Parodontitis ist gekennzeichnet durch eine entzündungsinduzierte fortschreitende Schädigung d...
Periodontitis is characterized by inflammation-induced progressive damage to the tooth-supporting...
La parodontite è caratterizzata da un danno progressivo indotto dall'infiammazione alle strutture...
La parodontite se caractérise par des dommages progressifs induits par l'inflammation sur les str...
In general, any differential equation in which the highest order derivative is multiplied by a sm...
Parodontitis wordt gekenmerkt door inflammatie-geïnduceerde progressieve schade aan de tandonders...
Zapalenie przyz¿bia charakteryzuje si¿ post¿puj¿cym, wywo¿anym zapaleniem, uszkodzeniem struktur ...