Following the success of his volumes featuring the works of Thomas Rowlandson and Charles Hamilto...
Forming part of his 'Guide to...' series, Ray has gleaned, from an array of sources, an impressiv...
The book provides the formation date of each regiment, names of colonels prior to 1751, changes o...
A 'Westlake' classic back in print, this register represents a complete account of the cadet unit...
¿In A Guide to the Volunteers of England 1859-1908, the second of his 'Guides' series, Ray Westla...
In A Guide to the Civic Heraldry of England, Ray Westlake has gathered together a comprehensive c...
In A Guide to the Volunteer Training Corps, Ray Westlake has provided for the first time records ...
The purpose of this book is to set out in an easily readable and well-illustrated form the struct...
The most original set of English military plates from the Napoleonic period - The Loyal Volunteer...
The most original set of English military plates from the Napoleonic period - The Loyal Volunteer...